It was bittersweet this morning: we were all looking forward to seeing home , but that meant saying goodbye to dear friends once again. The first four left from the hotel shortly after 7:00 and the rest of us boarded the bus and turned east for the final leg of this journey.

In Middlebury we stopped at the Rise and Roll bakery to buy some of their famed honey cinnamon donuts and JR. and Sam found an old car to play with. I convinced Merv and Pearl to pose for one more crazy picture (they are always game for some fun) and then it was back on the bus to deliver Anna Mae to her houe.

It was nice to see the familiar horse and buggies moving along the roads. I felt like I was back in familiar territory. As soon as the bus pulled to a stop on Anna Mae's street, four little kids from next door ran lickety split to welcome her home. It's clear she is loved there as well as by us. Two of our Michigan people disembarked with her because they had left their car in her driveway. They still had a few hours to drive to their place.

Those of us left on board stopped in Fort Wayne for a quick bite to eat then continued on our way. The closer we got the more the pull of home drew us. We didn't stop again until we reached Holmes County. A few final hugs and good-byes and "can't wait until next time!" before we all dispersed. In the last week we've seen rain, sunshine, snow, sleet, fall foliage, bare trees, and now we are home and it's beautiful, sunny, and just a touch humid. I don't think the leaves have started turning yet and I'm glad they waited for us to get back. A small Amish neighbor welcomed us back with a wave.
There 's no place like home! But what lovely memories we've made. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed at how blessed we've been by the people we've come to know. Safe travels and Godspeed to y'all from Florida as you make your own way back home. And we hope to see you this winter!
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