Everyone spent our first full day ocean-side recovering from
travel time. Foraging through the food we brought along for breakfast was better than
the prospect of loading up all the Littles and hauling them to a public
eatery; that was far too overwhelming a prospect for anyone in the household.
In spite of gloomy forecasts the weather was lovely and we could see the Atlantic waves from the front balconies of the house. Marlene, Aaron, Jaimee' and Jim took their families to the beach by 6:30 in the morning; the payoff was a beautiful sunrise. Yes, when one has babies, one no longer sleeps in until mid-morning. Since I'm not a morning person and not the keeper of small children, I rose when I felt like it and enjoyed the sunrise when it was posted on facebook. Getting older has its perks.
After a relaxing day, the evening was perfect for a walk. I had asked Paul at least three times what his supper plans might be. He was so engrossed in a card game with several of the others he never heard me. I finally decided to stroll over to the Jolly Roger, one of our favorite places to eat. I met Aaron and Marlene walking back, having just finished their meal with one-year-old Hannah in tow.
In spite of gloomy forecasts the weather was lovely and we could see the Atlantic waves from the front balconies of the house. Marlene, Aaron, Jaimee' and Jim took their families to the beach by 6:30 in the morning; the payoff was a beautiful sunrise. Yes, when one has babies, one no longer sleeps in until mid-morning. Since I'm not a morning person and not the keeper of small children, I rose when I felt like it and enjoyed the sunrise when it was posted on facebook. Getting older has its perks.
After a relaxing day, the evening was perfect for a walk. I had asked Paul at least three times what his supper plans might be. He was so engrossed in a card game with several of the others he never heard me. I finally decided to stroll over to the Jolly Roger, one of our favorite places to eat. I met Aaron and Marlene walking back, having just finished their meal with one-year-old Hannah in tow.
"How was it?" I asked
Marlene's expression was resigned. "When Hannah was on all fours on the table and panting like a dog I said it's time to go."
I couldn't hold back my laugh. That behavior in someone as cute as Hannah would likely only cause smiles from other patrons, although her mother didn't look at all amused. Sometimes it really is fun being old and past the responsibility of managing infants and toddlers in public places. Paul finally finished his card game and discovered I was gone so he walked over to join me.
Memories of other trips always greet me in this place. My favorite coffee cup back home is from here, a gift from my daughter Jaimee'. When I enjoy my morning libation from that cup, I get a twinge of vacation vibe and it sweetens real life a bit. The food is great and the unique atmosphere fits here, by the seaside. Christmas ornaments hang from the ceiling, year round. Old movie posters line the walls. Nautical memorabilia is crammed in every corner and a life-size pirate statue waits inside the door.
This is the first time I see no sign of the woman who was always on hand seating people and taking charge of all things; she looked ancient way back the first time I was ever here. She never seemed to age any further though, on all my subsequent trips. I wondered where she might be but I didn't ask. Maybe I don't really want to know. Some essential part of the atmosphere seemed lacking without her.
After another delicious meal we walked back to the house for an evening of games, hot-tub and pool time, and more unwinding from real life.
Memories of other trips always greet me in this place. My favorite coffee cup back home is from here, a gift from my daughter Jaimee'. When I enjoy my morning libation from that cup, I get a twinge of vacation vibe and it sweetens real life a bit. The food is great and the unique atmosphere fits here, by the seaside. Christmas ornaments hang from the ceiling, year round. Old movie posters line the walls. Nautical memorabilia is crammed in every corner and a life-size pirate statue waits inside the door.
This is the first time I see no sign of the woman who was always on hand seating people and taking charge of all things; she looked ancient way back the first time I was ever here. She never seemed to age any further though, on all my subsequent trips. I wondered where she might be but I didn't ask. Maybe I don't really want to know. Some essential part of the atmosphere seemed lacking without her.
After another delicious meal we walked back to the house for an evening of games, hot-tub and pool time, and more unwinding from real life.

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