All the people who toured the insemination farm this morning, (or rather procurement-of-the-product-to-inseminate farm), came back to the hotel with varying expressions on their faces. I decided opting out was the right decision for me although they all assured me it was "very educational and very interesting." There are some things I am happier not knowing. I mean, just because I love bacon does not mean I need to know how to field dress a hog.
Today is another "driving day" with stops every few hours for the bladder-challenged and the hungry. My co-travelers made it a fun day even so. Funny stories were told, songs were sung, home-made treats passed around and general enjoyment was there for the taking.

A little before 5:00 PM we pulled in to Mitchell, SD. After unloading ourselves at the Corn Palace we learned a few interesting and unusual facts about corn. It can be used as a reason for large festivals involving thousands of people all converging on the aforementioned Mitchell and it is also quite the decorative tool as proven by the murals inside, as well as the palace's exterior facade. I couldn't help but wonder how many other things there are in this country I know nothing about.

Tonight, I'm the one still wide awake and Paul is passed out cold. Day two is done.
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